
Archive for the ‘Sweet Onions’ Category

In Japan, Spring is high season for sweet onions. The shape is a little oval from the side as the photo below shows. They contain more water and sweet taste than ordinal species and are really nice to eat as simple salad, as well as adding more juicy taste and flavour to usual recipes.

Sweet Onion in Japan

Sweet Onion in Japan

Sliced Japanese Sweet Onion

Sliced Japanese Sweet Onion

It seems we can find sweet onions all year round in the UK with less prominent difference in the sweet taste and moistness.

I added Japanese tined tuna below – Sea Chicken brand to make a simple salad. Tunas sold in Japan is free from old fishy flavour which can be tasted when I eat tinned tuna sold in the UK.

Hagoromo Sea Chicken

Hagoromo Sea Chicken

Sea Chicken Tinned Tuna
Sea Chicken Tinned Tuna

I believe Japanese tuna manufactures produce tinned tuna keeping the same freshness as Sashimi as the one of the brand name of tuna ‘Sea Chicken’ denotes.

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